How to treat for Fin and Tail Rot?

About Fin and Tail Rot

Names: Fin and Tail Rot

Disease: Type Gram-negative bacterial infection

Cause/ Organism: Pathogens including Flexibacter columnaris, Nocardia, Mycobacterium and Pseudomonas species


What is fin and fail rot in live fish?


Fin and Tail Rot is one of the most common and preventable problems of aquarium fish. This disease are commonly found in Halfmoon Betta and tropical aquarium fish that have long fin. Fin and Tail Rot is caused by several types of gram-negative bacteria and frequently occurs contemporaneously with other conditions. Fin and Tail Rot can be delicate to cure, especially in the more advanced stages. However, it'll ultimately kill the diseased fish and infect all other fish in the terrarium, If left undressed.

Fin and Tail Rot is always environmental in nature and brought on by poor water conditions. Fish stress is also a contributing factor in Fin and Tail Rot. When fish are handled, moved, kept in an overcrowding, or housed with more aggressive fish, they're more susceptible to Fin and Tail Rot.


  • Fin edges turn white
  • Fins appear ragged and seperated
  • Bases of fins inflamed
  • Entire fin may rot away or lost of shape


  • Quarantine the difference aquarium tank or hospital fish tank. Don't remove fish or add fish to the problem aquarium.
  • Remove Actuated Carbon
  • Treat with Fritz Mardel Maracyn ® 2, following manufacture packaged instructions.

Mardel Maracyn ® 2 is the treatment of choice for gram-negative bacterial infections. It should be used according to the recommended lozenge. BacterShield is an herbal volition that contains natural canvases and excerpts that have been proven effective against fungal and bacterial infections.

Mardel Maracyn ® 2 power is a broad- diapason antibiotic (minocycline) developed for use in aquariums. Due to its unique properties, it's absorbed by the fish through the skin. During the prescribed treatment, the concentrion of minocycline in the fish fluids rises to a level of therapeutic and is available to fight systemic infections susceptible to its action. It's primarily effective against gram-negative pathogenic organisms. Internal diseases are more delicate to descry than external ones and early discovery is nearly insolvable.

As with any Fish Medicine, actuated carbon should be removed from the filter as it'll remove the medicines from the fish tank water.


  • Maintain good water quality
  • Perform regular water change to your aquarium fish tank (recommended 10% to 30% total of your fish tank volume)
  • Keep proper water parameters
  • Give fish with a nutritionally, healthy, balanced diet
  • Add Bactershield whenever adding new fish to the fish tank to help bacterial infection outbreaks.