Japanese Rice Fish
Japanese Rice Fish or also called Medaka Ricefish (Oryzias latipes) is a small, hardy fish native to East Asia. Japanese Rice Fish is a popular freshwater fish due to its small size, peaceful nature, and tolerance for a wide range of water parameters. Japanese Rice Fish are also easy to breed, making them a good choice for novice aquarists.
Care Guide:
Tank Size: Medaka Rice fish can be kept in tanks as small as 5 gallons, but a 10-gallon tank is ideal.
Water Parameters: An ideal water parameter is a pH of 6.5 to 7.5, a hardness of 5 to 15 dGH, and a temperature of 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
Filtration: A sponge filter or other gentle filter is sufficient for almost tiny freshwater fishes, especially Medaka Ricefish.
Substrate: Medaka rice fish prefer a sandy or gravel substrate.
Plants: Medaka rice fish appreciate plants for cover and spawning.
Lighting: Medaka rice fish do not require special lighting, but a moderate amount of light is ideal.
Diet: Medaka rice fish are omnivores and will eat a variety of foods, including live food, frozen food, and dry food.
Breeding: Medaka rice fish are easy to breed in captivity. Simply provide them with a spawning mop or other spawning medium, and they will do the rest.
Medaka Rice Fish Frequently Asked Questions FAQs:
1. How long do Medaka Ricefish live?
Medaka Ricefish typically live for 2 to 3 years in captivity.
2. Can Medaka Ricefish be kept with other fish?
Medaka Ricefish are peaceful fish and can be kept with other small, peaceful freshwater fish. However, they should be kept from larger, aggressive fish.
3. What are some common diseases that affect Medaka Ricefish?
Medaka ricefish are generally healthy but susceptible to diseases such as ich, fin rot, and dropsy.