Why Betta fish have so many name? It is because that there is so many variance of a betta fish. Let learn how to proper name a betta fish.
The "formula" to name a betta correctly is this
"Color then Scale Type then Tail Type then Betta Size then Betta Gender then"
If you have a Red color betta with Galaxy Body, Halfmoon Plakat tail type with Giant Size and Male Betta. You will the name for the fish is Red Galaxy Halfmoon Plakat Giant Male Betta Fish
We intend to create this article to also help you to understand more about the multiple variance of betta and as a guide to share with you what we carry currently and in the past as the trend of Betta Fish evolve over the years.
Halfmoon Betta Fish
1. Solid Color Halfmoon Betta Fish
2. Multi-Color Halfmoon Betta Fish
- Mustard Gas Halfmoon Betta Fish
- Peppermint Halfmoon Betta Fish
- Deep Blue and Purple Halfmoon Betta Fish
3. Dumbo Ear Halfmoon Betta Fish
Halfmoon Plakat (HMPK) Betta Fish
1. Koi HMPK Betta Fish
Koi Nemo HMPK Betta Fish

- Black and Blue Koi Galaxy

2. Fancy Type HMPK Betta Fish
Red Fancy HMPK Betta Fish (Hellboy HMPK Betta Fish)

Yellow Fancy HMPK Betta Fish

3. Dumbo Ear HMPK Betta Fish
4. Dragon Scale HMPK Betta Fish
Giant Halfmoon Plakat (HMPK) Betta Fish
1. Koi HMPK Betta Fish
Koi Nemo HMPK Giant Betta Fish
Red Koi HMPK Giant Betta Fish
Red Koi Galaxy HMPK Giant Betta Fish
Yellow Koi HMPK Giant Betta Fish
Red Fancy HMPK Giant Betta Fish (Hellboy HMPK Betta Fish)
Wild Type Betta Fish