Are you a proud owner of a Harlequin Rasbora? Or are you considering getting one as a pet? Either way, you've come to the right place! This comprehensive guide will take you through all the tips, tricks, and expert advice you need to know to care for your Harlequin Rasbora properly. From their ideal habitat and water conditions to their dietary needs and behavior patterns, we'll cover it all. We'll also explore the best tank mates for your Rasboras and how to create a harmonious community aquarium. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced hobbyist, this guide will equip you with everything you need to create a thriving and enjoyable environment for your Rasboras. So, let's dive in and discover the fascinating world of Harlequin Rasbora care together!
Understand the Habitat and Behavior of Harlequin Rasbora
Harlequin Rasboras are native to the slow-moving streams, rivers, and peat swamps of Southeast Asia, particularly in Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore. These areas are rich in tannins released by decaying organic matter, which gives the water a slightly brownish tint and contributes to its acidic nature. Harlequins thrive in this environment where water temperatures range from 72°F to 80°F (22°C to 27°C), and pH levels are slightly acidic, around 6.0 to 7.5. As a schooling fish, Harlequin Rasboras exhibits a strong need for social interaction. These Rasboras feel more secure in groups, which reduces stress and allows them to display their natural behaviors. In smaller groups, they may become shy or reclusive. Harlequins are known for their peaceful temperament, making them ideal for community tanks with other non-aggressive species. Typically growing to about 1.75 inches (4.5 cm), these Rasbora types are small yet active swimmers who prefer the middle-to-upper regions of the aquarium. Their shimmering, metallic orange bodies with a distinct black triangular patch make them a striking addition to any tank. When setting up a tank for them, it’s essential to recreate their natural environment by providing soft, slightly acidic water, plenty of vegetation, and subdued lighting.

Setting Up the Perfect Tank for Harlequin Rasbora
Aquarium Tank
The first step in setting up an ideal aquarium tank for Harlequin Rasbora is to prepare the appropriate one for them. A 20-gallon tank is ideal for a small school of Harlequin Rasboras. If you're housing a larger school or including other species, consider a bigger fish tank.
An aquarium filter is one of the most important equipment when setting up the tank for any freshwater fish, especially Harlequin Rasbora. It’s best to choose a gentle filtration system. A hang-on-back filter or sponge filter works well to provide adequate filtration without creating strong currents.
Air Pumps
While Harlequin Rasboras don't necessarily need extra oxygenation, air pumps can help ensure water movement and increase oxygen levels, especially in densely planted tanks.
Aquarium Lights
Soft, subdued lighting mimics their natural environment. Adjustable LED lights are a good choice as they allow you to control brightness and simulate day-night cycles. Besides that, an aquarium light is very crucial if you have live plants in your aquarium.
Aquarium Soils
For a natural and healthy aquarium, use fine aquarium substrate like sand or smooth gravel. Darker substrates often help the colors of the Rasboras stand out.
GH/KH Test Kits and TDS Pens
Monitoring water parameters, such as general hardness (GH), carbonate hardness (KH), and total dissolved solids (TDS), ensures stable water conditions for your fish. Consider using water tester to better monitor your water quality.
Aquarium Lid/Cover
Since Rasboras can be quite active, an aquarium lid is a good precaution to prevent any accidental jumping.
Feeding and Diet Recommendations
Harlequin Rasboras are omnivorous and enjoy a varied diet. In the wild, they primarily feed on small insects, zooplankton, and plant matter. In captivity, it's essential to replicate this balanced diet.
Diet Essentials
- Flake Food: High-quality tropical flake food should be a staple in their diet. Look for brands rich in protein and essential nutrients.
- Frozen & Live Foods: Supplement their diet with frozen foods like bloodworms, daphnia, and brine shrimp. Live foods, such as daphnia or micro worms and mosquito larvae, are also excellent.
- Vegetable Matter: Occasionally, feed them blanched vegetables like spinach or zucchini. You can also provide algae wafers to introduce some plant matter into their diet.
Feed your Rasboras 2-3 times daily, offering only as much fish food as they can consume in 2 minutes.

Tankmates and Compatibility with Harlequin Rasbora
Due to their peaceful nature, Harlequin Rasboras are compatible with a wide range of fish species. However, avoid housing them with aggressive or large predatory fish. Here’s a list of some excellent tank mates that will thrive in harmony with Harlequin Rasboras:
Recommended Live Freshwater Fish
Betta Fish
While Betta fish are known to be territorial, they can coexist peacefully with Harlequin Rasboras due to the Rasboras’ non-threatening, schooling behavior. Make sure the Betta is not overly aggressive, and provide hiding spots to reduce stress.
Tetras like Black Neon Tetra, Cardinal Tetra, and Rummy Nose Tetras share many of the same water conditions and temperaments as Harlequin Rasboras. These fish school together, adding movement and vibrancy to the tank. Their peaceful nature makes them perfect companions.
Angelfish can make excellent tank mates for Rasboras, but it’s crucial to monitor their interactions, particularly during feeding times. Angelfish can be territorial, especially in smaller tanks, so ensure your aquarium is large enough for both species to coexist peacefully.
Guppies are colorful, peaceful fish that thrive in similar water conditions as Harlequin Rasboras. They are livebearers and relatively easy to care for, making them an excellent option for a community tank.
Dwarf Gourami
Gouramis are another peaceful species that pair well with Harlequins. Their bright colors and calm demeanor make them an attractive addition to a community tank.
Adding invertebrates like Amano Shrimp, Red Cherry Shrimp, and various aquarium snail species such as Nerite snails or Mystery Snails can benefit the ecosystem. These critters help maintain tank cleanliness by consuming algae, leftover food, and detritus without bothering your Rasboras.
Live Aquatic Plants for Harlequin Rasbora Aquarium
Live aquatic plants are more than just decorative elements in your aquarium; they play a crucial role in creating a natural and balanced ecosystem that benefits your Harlequin Rasboras. These fish originate from environments with dense vegetation, so incorporating a variety of aquatic plants into their tank will help mimic their natural habitat, reduce stress, and encourage natural behaviors. Freshwater plants also help with water filtration, oxygenation, and maintaining water quality by absorbing excess nitrates.
Java Fern
A popular choice among hobbyists, Java Fern is an incredibly hardy plant that thrives in low to moderate light conditions. It’s low-maintenance and can be attached to driftwood or rocks, offering plenty of cover for your Rasboras to hide when needed. Java Fern’s broad leaves also make it an excellent spawning site for Rasboras during breeding.

Anubias Nana
Another easy-to-care-for plant, Anubias Nana grows slowly and can survive in low-light environments. Its thick, green leaves provide shelter for small fish, and like Java Fern, it can be attached to decorations rather than planted in the substrate. This Anubias also resists algae growth, keeping your tank cleaner.
Amazon Sword
This fast-growing Sword plant is ideal for larger tanks and can act as a natural backdrop. Its long leaves provide a dense cover, giving Rasboras a place to explore and feel safe. Amazon Sword absorbs large amounts of nitrates from the water, helping to improve water quality. However, it requires a nutrient-rich substrate and moderate lighting for optimal growth.
A versatile plant, Hornwort can be used as a floating plant or rooted in the substrate. Its delicate, feathery appearance creates a soft aesthetic and provides plenty of hiding spots. Floating Hornwort also helps diffuse light, creating a more natural environment for the Rasboras.
This plant comes in a variety of species, each with its unique leaf shape and color. Cryptocoryne is easy to care for and thrives in low to moderate light. These Crytocoryne plants are excellent for filling in gaps in your aquascape, providing additional cover for your Rasboras.
Breeding and Raising Harlequin Rasbora Fry
Breeding Harlequin Rasboras is relatively straightforward, especially if you provide the right conditions. A separate breeding tank is recommended to protect the eggs and fry from being eaten by other tank mates.
Breeding Tips:
- Conditioning the Breeding Pair: Feed the breeding pair with high-quality live foods like brine shrimp and bloodworms for about two weeks before attempting breeding.
- Breeding Tank Setup: A breeding tank of around 10 gallons, filled with soft, slightly acidic water (pH 6.0-6.5) is ideal. Keep the water temperature between 76°F and 80°F (24°C to 27°C).
- Plants for Egg-Laying: Use broad-leaved plants like Java Fern or Amazon Sword, as Harlequin Rasboras prefer to lay their eggs on the underside of leaves.
- Caring for the Fry: Once the eggs hatch, which typically takes about 24-36 hours, remove the adults to prevent them from eating the fry. Feed the fry infusoria or commercially available liquid fry food for the first few days, gradually transitioning to baby brine shrimp as they grow.
Harlequin Rasboras are beautiful, hardy, and peaceful tropical fish that can add a dynamic yet serene presence to your aquarium. By providing the right tank conditions, a balanced diet, and compatible tank mates, you can ensure your Rasboras live a long and healthy life. Whether you're setting up a community tank or breeding them, this guide should equip you with everything you need to know about Harlequin Rasbora care. If you’re considering buying Harlequin Rasboras for sale online, visit our Splashy Fish tropical fish store online or our aquarium in Virginia where we offer a wide selection of freshwater fish for sale, freshwater shrimp for sale, live aquatic plants for sale, and other high-quality aquarium supplies.
Can I keep Harlequin Rasbora with Betta?
Yes, Harlequin Rasboras and Betta fish can coexist in the same tank, provided the Betta is not overly aggressive. Their peaceful nature typically doesn’t provoke Betta fish, making them suitable tank mates.
How many Harlequin Rasbora are in 10 gallon tank?
In a 10-gallon tank, you can comfortably house a small school of 6 or more Harlequin Rasboras. However, a larger tank (20 gallons or more) is ideal for them to swim freely.
Is Harlequin Rasbora aggressive?
No, Harlequin Rasboras are peaceful fish that thrive in a community tank. They get along well with other small, non-aggressive fish and enjoy living in groups.