Red Cherry Shrimp, red cherry shrimp tank, tank mates for red cherry shrimp tank, red cherry shrimp tank mates, red cherry neocaridina shrimp, top 5 tank mates for red cherry shrimp tank

Top 5 Best Tank Mates for Red Cherry Shrimp Tank (Safe & Compatible Choices)

Dive into the aquatic world and discover the perfect companions for your red cherry shrimp with our guide to the top 5 best tank mates. Creating a harmonious underwater community is crucial for the happiness and safety of your shrimp, and we have curated a list of ideal partners to ensure a thriving environment for these vibrant crustaceans. From peaceful fish to algae-eating snails, these tank mates will not only coexist peacefully but also enhance the beauty of your aquarium. Join us as we explore the wonderful world of aquatic companionship and learn how to create a balanced ecosystem that benefits all inhabitants. With careful selection and proper planning, you can turn your aquarium into a lively underwater paradise that will captivate both you and your aquatic pets. Let's make sure your red cherry shrimp feel right at home by choosing the perfect partners for their tank!

Benefits of Having Tank Mates for Red Cherry Shrimp

Adding suitable tank mates to your Cherry Shrimp tank comes with several benefits:

Algae Control

Many compatible tank mates, such as snails and certain fish, help keep algae growth under control, preventing excessive build-up that can cause water quality issues.

Balanced Ecosystem

A diverse aquatic community supports a healthier and more natural tank environment by promoting nutrient cycling and waste decomposition.

Increased Activity and Aesthetics

A mix of species makes the aquarium more visually appealing and dynamic, offering endless entertainment.

Waste Management

Some tank mates help break down organic waste, contributing to better water quality and reducing the need for frequent tank maintenance.

Shrimp Stimulation

Freshwater shrimp are more active and engaged in a well-structured community tank, leading to healthier and more vibrant coloration.

red cherry shrimp tank, top 5 best tank mates for red cherry shrimp tank, red cherry neocaridina shrimp, red cherry shrimp tank
Image of Red Cherry Shrimp on driftwood

Considerations When Choosing Tank Mates

Before adding any new species to your red cherry shrimp tank, consider these key factors:

  • Peaceful Temperament: Avoid aggressive or predatory fish that may see shrimp as food. Even small fish like Fancy Guppies and Bettas can pose a threat if they exhibit predatory behavior.
  • Size and Feeding Habits: Select small, non-aggressive species that won’t outcompete shrimp for food. Bottom dwellers and algae grazers are ideal options.
  • Water Parameters: Ensure all species thrive in similar water conditions (pH 6.5–7.5, temperature 72–78°F, moderate hardness).
  • Tank Size: Adequate space is necessary to prevent overcrowding and stress, especially in a community setup.
  • Breeding Shrimp Safety: If you plan to breed red cherry shrimp, choose tank mates that won’t eat baby shrimp (shrimplets). Opt for species that primarily feed on algae and biofilm.

Top 5 Tank Mates for Red Cherry Shrimp

Blue Velvet Shrimp

Blue Velvet Shrimp are a stunning color variant of Neocaridina shrimp, making them an excellent choice for a peaceful and visually appealing tank. They share the same water parameters as Red Cherry Shrimp, ensuring compatibility without additional adjustments. These aquatic shrimp actively graze on biofilm and algae, helping to maintain a clean and well-balanced ecosystem. Their deep blue coloration contrasts beautifully with the red hue of Cherry Shrimp, adding a striking visual element to the tank. Additionally, Blue Velvet Shrimp are prolific breeders, and when kept with Red Cherry Shrimp, they may produce unique color variations in offspring.

Blue Dream Shrimp

Blue Dream Shrimp, another exquisite Neocaridina variety, are a fantastic addition to a Red Cherry Shrimp tank. They peacefully coexist with Cherry Shrimp while offering vibrant contrast in color. Like their red counterparts, they contribute to the tank's overall health by feeding on organic debris and algae. A heavily planted tank with plenty of hiding spots allows both species to feel secure and thrive. Blue Shrimp are particularly appealing for shrimp keepers looking to create a diverse and colorful shrimp colony, making the tank an ever-changing visual delight.

Bloody Mary Shrimp

Bloody Mary Shrimp are a deep red Neocaridina variety known for their rich, intense coloration. Their non-aggressive nature makes them ideal tank mates for Red Cherry Shrimp, and they integrate well into a shrimp-only community. Their darker, almost translucent red shade contrasts with the brighter Red Cherry Shrimp, making them a standout feature in the aquarium. To maintain their vibrant color, it's essential to provide them with high-quality shrimp food and a stress-free environment. A well-maintained tank with stable water parameters ensures that Bloody Mary shrimp reach their full color potential.

Snowball Shrimp

Snowball shrimp are a white-bodied Neocaridina species that bring an elegant touch to a Red Cherry Shrimp tank. They are peaceful scavengers that help keep the tank clean by consuming biofilm, leftover food, and decaying plant matter. Their hardy nature makes them an excellent choice for beginners, as they adapt well to various tank conditions. When mixed with Red Cherry Shrimp, Snowball Shrimp create a visually striking contrast, enhancing the overall aesthetic of the aquarium tank. They also breed readily, making them an excellent option for those looking to establish a thriving shrimp colony.

Nerite Snails

Nerite snails are one of the best non-shrimp companions for a Red Cherry Shrimp tank. These peaceful and efficient algae eaters help maintain water clarity by consuming algae from glass, aquatic plants, and decorations. Unlike many other snail species, Nerite Snails do not reproduce in freshwater, preventing overpopulation issues. They require calcium-rich food to maintain strong shells, so supplementing their diet with cuttlebone or specialized snail food is beneficial. Their slow-moving nature and non-aggressive temperament make them a perfect choice for a shrimp tank, contributing to both its cleanliness and biodiversity.

Compatibility Issues to Watch Out For

  • Aggressive Fish: Avoid freshwater fish like Betta fighting fish, Cichlids, or large Barbs, which may prey on shrimp.
  • Overcrowding: Too many inhabitants can stress shrimp and lead to poor water conditions.
  • Diet Competition: Ensure all tank mates receive adequate food to prevent them from preying on shrimp.
  • Water Quality Fluctuations: Shrimp are sensitive to ammonia and nitrate spikes, so regular maintenance is essential.

Tank Setup Tips for a Harmonious Environment

  • Plenty of Hiding Spots: Use live plants like Java moss, Marimo Moss Balls, driftwood, and caves to provide shelter and protection.
  • Stable Water Parameters: Maintain a pH of 6.5–7.5, temperature of 65–80°F (best is 65-73°F), and low ammonia/nitrate levels.
  • Gentle Filtration: Sponge filters or pre-filter sponges prevent shrimp from being sucked into filter intakes while providing a suitable surface for biofilm growth.
  • Aquascaping Considerations: Use natural decorations that promote a stress-free environment for shrimp and their tank mates.
  • Lighting and Substrate: Moderate lighting encourages plant growth while a dark substrate enhances shrimp coloration and reduces stress.
top 5 best tank mates for red cherry shrimp tank, red cherry neocaridina shrimp, red cherry shrimp tank, tank mates for red cherry shrimp, red shrimp tank
Image of Red Cherry Shrimp tank

Feeding and Care Guidelines for Red Cherry Shrimp and Their Tank Mates

  • Shrimp Diet: Provide a balanced diet of algae wafers, blanched vegetables, and high-quality shrimp pellets to ensure proper nutrition.
  • Snail Diet: Ensure they get calcium-rich foods like cuttlebone or specialized snail food to maintain strong shells.
  • Supplemental Feeding: If algae are scarce, feed tank mates appropriately to prevent them from preying on shrimp or competing for food.
  • Routine Maintenance: Perform regular water changes and remove uneaten food to maintain optimal water quality.
  • Breeding Considerations: Keep shrimp populations healthy by providing ample hiding spaces for shrimplets and maintaining a well-cycled, stable tank environment.


Choosing the right tank mates for your Red Cherry Shrimp tank is essential for a balanced and thriving aquarium. Whether you opt for other colorful Neocaridina shrimp like Blue Velvet Shrimp, Blue Dream Shrimp, Bloody Mary Shrimp, or Snowball Shrimp, or prefer algae-eating companions like Nerite Snails, the key is compatibility and proper care. By maintaining ideal water conditions and providing ample hiding spaces, you can create a peaceful and visually stunning shrimp tank that supports a healthy and diverse ecosystem. At Splashy Fish tropical fish store, all of our freshwater shrimp for sale are quarantined for 14 days before shipping to ensure the best conditions when arrive. You can buy freshwater shrimp online or visit us at aquarium store in Virginia for more freshwater fish for sale, betta fish for sale, live aquatic plants for sale, and aquarium supplies by following the map below.

Red Cherry Shrimp Tank Mates Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What fish can live with Red Cherry Shrimp without eating them?

Red Cherry Shrimp can coexist with small, peaceful fish that do not see them as food. Ideal tank mates include nano fish like Chili rasboras, Ember tetras, and Celestial pearl danios. These fish are non-aggressive and primarily feed on micro foods, making them safe companions for shrimp. Always ensure your tank has plenty of hiding spots, such as live aquatic plants and moss, to protect baby shrimp from potential predation.

Can Red Cherry Shrimp live with Bettas?

Keeping Red Cherry Shrimp with Betta fish is risky because Bettas have predatory instincts and may see shrimp as a snack. While some Bettas tolerate shrimp, others will hunt them aggressively. If you attempt this combination, provide plenty of dense plants like Java moss and hiding spots to give shrimp a chance to escape. It’s best to observe your Betta’s behavior closely and have a backup tank ready in case the shrimp are targeted.

Do Red Cherry Shrimp need other shrimp as tank mates?

Red Cherry Shrimp thrive in shrimp-only tanks but also do well with other Neocaridina shrimp varieties like Blue Velvet Shrimp, Blue Dream shrimp, Bloody Mary shrimp, and Snowball shrimp. Mixing shrimp species can create a vibrant and colorful display, but be aware that they may interbreed, leading to offspring with mixed or less vivid coloration. To maintain pure strains, it’s best to house only one color variant in a single tank.