Celestial Pearl Danio is an option that every fishkeeping beginner should not disregard when considering their first ‘pet’ in fish tanks, especially nano tanks.

Why do we affirm that statement? This is because you can find nowhere a splendid creature yet easy to keep in captivity, and that has not yet mentioned the ability of such freshwater fish to survive common mistakes made by beginners.
Celestial Pearl Danios (Danio Margaritatus), or sometimes called Galaxy Rasboras, are the freshwater fish native to Southeast East Asia. Having been introduced to the aquarium hobby for the first time since 2006, Celestial Pearl Danios soon captured the hearts of many aquarists by the vibrant colors displayed in deep blue with pearl-like spots scattered over the entire body. Contrast to that is the deep orange/ red fins and belly having two black lines running through. Come together, those features give Celestial Pearl Danio the brilliant look that many other species may envy for.

In wild habitats, Celestial Pearl Danio are often found dwelling in small and vegetated ponds where calm, still water movements and high lighting conditions prevail. They also like to shelter themselves in rock caves or other hiding places which allow security and comfort. Hence, mind such features when you create a home aquarium for Celestial Pearl Danio. Relatively small in size and timid in disposition, it is not strange if you notice the fish spend most of their time exploring the surroundings or laying behind live plants or any other décor. As noticeable as Celestial Pearl Danios are, they liven up whatever places they go by.
Tank setups
In order to let the fish boast to its optimal coloration and stay healthy, setting up an appropriate fish tank for Celestial Pearl Danio is very important. What do Celestial Pearl Danios need for their home aquarium? The answer will include tank size, aquarium devices, and proper water parameters.
Although the species are widely known for their hardiness, they appreciate a fish tank replicating their natural environment. This means, plenty of live aquarium plants and decorations such as rock caves and driftwoods are worth the consideration. Some potential candidates of aquatic plants that Celestial Pearl Danios would prefer include java fern, bacopa, rotala, and floating plants like water lettuce. Indeed, live aquarium plants play a crucial role in keeping the fish thrive. Not only freshwater plants provide hiding places for the fairly shy specimens, but they could also be a light snack for the Celestial Pearl Danio to munch occasionally. Further, such plants would become the preferable areas for the fish to lay eggs during breeding seasons.
Concerning all of the above, it is highly recommended that a tank of at least 10 gallons be suitable for a group of 5 to 6 individuals. Such size allows Celestial Pearl Danio to swim comfortably while ensuring abundant room for other additions. That said, you could keep more than 6 specimens as long as you follow the good ratio of 2 gallons per fish, with mostly females if possible. Celestial Pearl Danios are peaceful, yet they still show certain aggressive behaviors towards other Celestial males, particularly when the courting period comes. If you wish to raise a big group, in addition to the good ratio of males to females, make sure you provide Celestial Pearl Danios with ample space and hiding places to avoid extreme harassment.
Celestial Pearl Danio lives in shallow water thus, they would like to reside in the tank relatively shallow. When it comes to substrates, they are not picky at all. Despite bottom-dwellers, they are not known for digging, therefore, we recommend choosing the substrate that works well with whatever aquarium plants you go for.
As a tropical fish, Celestial Pearl Danio enjoys temperatures ranging from 73° to 79°F (around 23° – 26°C). Soft to medium water with slightly acidic pH levels are necessary for maintaining its good health conditions. Though the hardy nature allows Celestial Pearl Danio to withstand a wide range of water parameters, it is best to keep such indicators stable.
Ammonia and Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: less than 20 ppm
KH: 2-10 dKH
pH: 6.5 – 7.5
Water change: 20% per week
To achieve the standards, equipping the tank with good heater(s) is indispensable if your room temperature does not meet the requirement. Besides, good water test kits should be always available so as to check and make sure everything is in order.
We really love Celestial Pearl Danios as the little lovely creatures are undemanding in many aspects, even in terms of diet. The freshwater fish are omnivores and not picky eaters in the wild. As such, their diets indeed vary significantly. In captivity, Celestial Pearl Danio will accept commercially available flakes or pellets, especially the sinking ones. Mind that they are bottom-dwellers so as to make sure they can approach what you provide for.
Brine shrimp, krill, Grindal worms, and live Daphnia are all good choices. They also feed on algae, plant matter, and zooplankton. Celestial Pearl Danios are quite opportunistic feeders. Even though they are not commonly known for getting out-competed for food, it is highly recommended that you watch them closely to learn their eating habits, as well as make sure meal portions are well shared.
Since Celestial Pearl Danios are pretty easy-going, try to rotate the diets and feed them high-quality food to make sure the fish get sufficient and necessary nutrients to grow up strongly and beautifully. Given its tiny mouth, break large food into small pieces so they can eat in a yummy way.
And last, don’t forget a good rule of thumb that feeds them twice a day with an abundant amount for Celestial Pearl Danio to consume within 2-3 minutes. Then, immediately clean the leftover food once they finish their meals so as to avoid accumulation of waste in tank water.
Healthy problems: Fortunately, scientists and aquarists haven’t found any new diseases that are exclusive to Celestial Pearl Danio. However, they are susceptible to other common diseases. Among them, fin rot affects the fish considerably. The main reasons may result from poor water conditions and fish’s fighting. If it is the former, perform a large water change and monitor parameters satisfactory to the fish’s requirements. On the other hand, if the reason lies on the latter, you then have to find out who are the fighters and which is dominant over the other. Then isolate the abuser and cure the injured with medical treatment if necessary.
Tank mates
Most aquarists come up with Celestial Pearl Danios not only because of the above mentioned but because the species can also live in and enhance a community tank.

House them together with other peaceful fish such as tetras, guppies, Corydoras, and killifish could not be more perfect. Since all share the similar size and temperament, Celestial Pearl Danio will not be regarded as prey, being attacked by other faster, larger, and more aggressive fish. This also means you should avoid those of belligerent behaviors and predators (e.g., cichlids, Oscars).
Be aware of ample space for other fish if you aim at a community tank. The more fish you add, the bigger tank you need.
Notes: Celestial Pearl Danio is sometimes known for attacking and eating juvenile shrimp. Hence, if you consider shrimp the next addition, note this matter.
Breeding is fairly straightforward. However, before we go further into this process, you have to have a good couple of male and female. Celestial Pearl Danio males could be differentiated from the females thanks to coloration and body shape, sometimes even the temperament. Male species tend to be thin and often more vibrant in color, especially on the tail, whereas the females are slightly duller and more round in shape. Such features are even bolder during the breeding period. If there are more than one male in the group of Celestial Pearl Danios, you may find the males aggressive and seeking for fighting most of the time.
Celestial Pearl Danios are egg layers. When they are ready for spawning, you will notice the female fish are darker in color and have a rounded abdomen. Eggs will be laid somewhere having less water movement and of around 12 to 30 eggs at a time. If you aim at breeding Celestial Pearl Danio, you should mind the information that Celestial Pearl Danio males are known for eating the eggs.
Tips: A separate breeding tank may be needed in this situation to reduce the loss of the eggs. Make sure the breeding tank imitates the living conditions established in the main tank and has plenty of vegetation for the safety and comfort of the baby fish.
After 2-4 days, these eggs will enter their larval stage and begin to swim. You now can feed the babies micro foods to keep them healthy. At this stage, it could be said that the breeding is over and all you need to do is raise the babies patiently till they fully grow up.
If you keep things going well, the goddess of luck will be on your side and bless your Celestial Pearl Danios with the lifespan of up to 5 years in the maximum.
At Splashy Fish Store, we supply a wide range of Celestial Pearl Danios which come from reliable sources. We further guarantee that all of our Celestial Pearl Danios will go through the quarantine process for a period of 14-day before sale. We care about the quality and strive to provide you the best we can. Visit our store to find what surprise is waiting for you.