Setting Up The Perfect Tank for Crystal Red Shrimp, Crystal Red Shrimp in Aquarium Tank, Crystal Red Shrimp Tank Set Up, Guide to Set Up Shrimp Tank for Crystal Red Shrimp

Setting Up The Perfect Aquarium Tank for Crystal Red Shrimp

Welcome to the ultimate guide on creating an ideal habitat for Crystal Red Shrimp in your aquarium. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through everything you need to know to ensure that your Crystal Red Shrimp thrive and flourish in their environment. We will delve into each aspect, providing you with expert tips and advice that will help you create an environment that perfectly suits the needs of your Crystal Red Shrimp. Whether you're a seasoned shrimp enthusiast or just starting out, this guide is a must-read for anyone looking to provide the best possible care for their Crystal Red Shrimp. Get ready to discover the secrets to keeping these beautiful creatures happy and healthy in your aquarium.

Choose The Right Tank Size for Crystal Red Shrimp

The size of your aquarium tank plays a crucial role in creating a suitable environment for your Crystal Red Shrimp (Caridina cantonensis). While these delicate creatures can be kept in smaller tanks, a larger tank provides more stability and allows for better water quality control.

A good starting point for a Crystal Red Shrimp tank is a 10-gallon tank. This size offers ample space for a small colony of shrimp and allows you to maintain optimal water parameters. However, if you plan to keep a larger number of shrimp or create a more complex ecosystem, a larger tank, such as a 20-gallon or even a 30-gallon tank, is recommended.

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Image of Crystal Red Shrimp

Required Equipment for Crystal Red Shrimp Tank


Crystal Red Shrimp are sensitive to poor water quality, so a good aquarium filter is essential. Opt for a sponge filter or a canister filter with gentle flow to avoid harming your shrimp. Sponge filters are especially popular as they prevent shrimp from getting sucked into the intake while providing extra surfaces for biofilm—a natural food source for shrimp.

Air pumps

An air pump is another important component of your shrimp tank setup. It provides oxygen to the water and helps to circulate nutrients. A small, quiet air pump is sufficient for a small to medium-sized shrimp tank.

Aquarium Lights

Proper lighting is crucial for growing live plants, which benefits your shrimp by providing hiding spots and improving water quality. LED lights are energy-efficient and customizable to match your tank's aesthetic.

Aquarium Soil

The choice of aquarium soil is crucial for creating a suitable aquarium substrate for your Crystal Red Shrimp. A fine-grained, nutrient-rich soil, such as UNS Controsoil or Oase Scaperline Soil, is ideal. These soils provide a stable pH and release essential minerals that benefit the shrimp.

Shrimp Salt

Shrimp salt is a mineral supplement that helps to maintain optimal water parameters and promote the health of your freshwater shrimp. It can be added to the water periodically to replenish essential minerals. Use shrimp-specific remineralizing salts, like GH+ or GH/KH+ salts, to achieve the ideal water hardness (GH 4–6, KH 0–1).

GH/KH Test Kits

GH (General Hardness) and KH (Carbonate Hardness) test kits are essential for monitoring the water parameters in your shrimp tank. These parameters play a significant role in the health and coloration of your Crystal Red Shrimp. Use reliable water test kits to monitor them to maintain optimal conditions.

TDS Pens

A TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) pen is a handy tool for measuring the overall mineral content in your tank water. It can help you monitor water quality and adjust water changes accordingly. Crystal Red Shrimp prefer TDS levels between 120 and 180 ppm.

Aquarium Lid/Cover

An aquarium lid or cover is essential for preventing your shrimp from escaping and for reducing evaporation. It also helps to maintain stable water parameters.

Fully Set Up A Crystal Shrimp Tank: Step-by-Step

  1. Clean the Tank: Thoroughly clean your tank, filter, and other equipment to remove any impurities.
  2. Add the Substrate: Fill the tank with the chosen aquarium soil, ensuring an even layer.
  3. Add Water: Slowly fill the tank with dechlorinated water, allowing the soil to settle.
  4. Install Equipment: Place the filter, air pump, and heater in the tank, making sure they are securely positioned.
  5. Plant the Tank: Add your chosen aquatic plants to the tank, creating a natural and visually appealing environment.
  6. Acclimate the Shrimp: Gradually acclimate your Crystal Red Shrimps to the tank water by floating the bag containing the shrimp in the tank for about 30 minutes.
  7. Release the Shrimp: Carefully release the shrimp into the tank, avoiding any sudden movements.
crystal red shrimp, caridina red shrimp, freshwater shrimp, crystal red shrimp tank setup, setting up the perfect tank for crystal red shrimp
Image of Crystal Red Shrimp

Best Tank Mates to Keep with Crystal Red Shrimp



Small freshwater snails like Ramshorn snails or Mystery snails are excellent choices. They help clean up the tank and won't bother the shrimp. These snails are bottom feeders and help to keep the tank clean by eating algae and detritus.

Other Shrimp Species

You can keep other freshwater shrimp species that don't interbreed with Crystal Red Shrimp, such as Neocaridina shrimp (like Cherry Shrimp or Blue Dream Shrimp). These shrimp are smaller and less aggressive than CRS, and they can coexist peacefully in a well-planted tank.


Small, Peaceful Fish: Some small, peaceful fish can be kept with Crystal Red Shrimp if they are well-fed and the tank has plenty of hiding spots. Good choices include:

  • Otocinclus catfish: These small catfish are algae eaters and they will not harm the shrimp. They are also peaceful and will not bother other tank mates.
  • Pygmy Corydoras: These Corydoras are bottom dwellers and they will not harm the shrimp. They are also peaceful and will not bother other tank mates.
  • Chili Rasbora: Rasbora fish are also active swimmers and they will help to keep the tank clean.
  • Ember Tetra: These small Tetra fish are peaceful and they will not harm the shrimp. They are also schooling fish and they will add a splash of color to the tank.
  • Neon Tetra: Another Tetra species that can be kept with Crystal Red Shrimp is Neon Tetra. They are also schooling fish and they will add a splash of color to the tank. However, they can be more sensitive to water parameters than other fish, so it is important to monitor the water quality closely.

Enhance Crystal Red Shrimp Tank with Live Aquatic Plants


Java Moss

  • A versatile and hardy moss that can grow on almost any surface, including rocks, driftwood, and even the tank glass.
  • Java Moss provides excellent hiding spots and food sources for shrimp.
  • Thrives in low-light conditions and can tolerate a wide range of water parameters.

Christmas Moss

  • A beautiful moss with a festive appearance, characterized by its feathery, branching structure.
  • Christmas Moss is relatively slow-growing and prefers cooler water temperatures.
  • Provides excellent cover for shrimp and can add a touch of elegance to the tank.

Weeping Moss

  • A delicate and graceful moss that drapes beautifully over rocks and wood.
  • It requires slightly higher light levels than other mosses but is still suitable for low-light tanks.
  • Provides excellent hiding spots and food sources for shrimp.



  • A genus of hardy and low-maintenance plants that can tolerate a wide range of water conditions.
  • Anubias are slow-growing and low-light tolerant, making them ideal for shrimp tanks.
  • Popular species include Anubias Nana, Anubias Barteri var. Nana, and Anubias Coffeefolia.

Java Fern (Microsorum Pteropus)

  • A hardy and versatile fern that can be attached to rocks or wood.
  • Its narrow leaves provide ample hiding spots for shrimp.
  • Java Fern is low-light tolerant and can thrive in a variety of water conditions.


Setting up the perfect tank for Crystal Red Shrimp requires attention to detail, but the results are well worth the effort. By providing the right environment, water parameters, and care, you’ll create a thriving habitat where your shrimp can flourish. With their vibrant colors and fascinating behavior, Crystal Red Shrimp will quickly become the centerpiece of your aquarium. If you are considering create a CRS tank, visit Splashy Fish tropical fish store for high quality Crystal Red Shrimp for sale or at our aquarium store in Virginia for other freshwater shrimp for sale, freshwater fish for sale, live aquatic plants for sale, and aquarium supplies.


How often should I clean the Crystal Red Shrimp tank?

You should perform 20-30% weekly water changes to maintain optimal water quality. Additionally, you can siphon out any debris or uneaten food from the substrate as needed.

Does the Crystal Red Shrimp tank need a CO2 system?

While a CO2 system can benefit plant growth, it is not strictly necessary for Crystal Red Shrimp. However, if you choose to use a CO2 system, it is essential to monitor the pH levels closely to avoid stressing the shrimp.

How many Crystal Red Shrimp per gallon?

A general rule of thumb is to keep 5-10 Crystal Red Shrimp per gallon of water. However, this can vary depending on the size of the shrimp and the overall tank setup.