Welcome to our complete guide on caring for Japanese Medaka Ricefish and setting up a fish tank for these fascinating creatures. With their vibrant colors and unique behaviors, Medaka Ricefish make a captivating addition to any aquarium. Whether you're a seasoned fishkeeper or a beginner, this guide will walk you through everything you need to know to create a thriving environment for your Medaka Ricefish. In this article, we'll cover the essentials of setting up your fish tank, including choosing the right equipment, creating a suitable habitat, and maintaining optimal water conditions. As mindful fishkeepers, we understand the importance of providing the best care for our aquatic friends. That's why we've compiled this comprehensive guide to help you create a beautiful and thriving home for your Japanese Medaka Ricefish. So, let's dive in and discover the rewarding world of Medaka Ricefish keeping together.
Benefits of Keeping Japanese Medaka Ricefish
Japanese Medaka Ricefish are a joy to keep for several reasons:
- Easy to Care For: Medaka ricefish are hardy and can tolerate a wide range of water conditions, making them an excellent choice for beginners.
- Small Size: These freshwater fish are small, typically growing to about 1.5 inches, so they don’t require large tanks.
- Versatile: They can thrive in both cold water and tropical tanks, giving you flexibility in your aquarium setup.
- Interesting Behavior: Medaka ricefish are active swimmers and display fascinating social behaviors, especially when kept in groups.
- Captivating Appearance: They come in various colors, including white, orange, and even blue hues, making them an attractive addition to any tank.

Full Set Up A Japanese Medaka Ricefish Tank
Choose The Right Tank Size
For a Medaka Ricefish tank, the minimum recommended size is 10 gallons tank. While these fish are small, they are active swimmers and do best in larger tanks with plenty of space to explore. A larger fish tank also provides more stable water parameters, which is crucial for the health of your fish. If you plan to keep a group (which is recommended), consider a 20-gallon tank or larger.
Tip: The ideal ratio is one medaka ricefish per gallon, but a group of at least 6-10 fish will ensure a more natural and social environment.
A good filtration system is key to maintaining water quality. Choose an aquarium filter that provides gentle water flow, as strong currents can stress the medaka ricefish. A sponge filter or a hang-on-back filter is a great option. These filters not only provide mechanical filtration but also help maintain biological balance in the tank, which is essential for the health of your fish.
Air pumps
While medaka ricefish are surface dwellers and can breathe atmospheric air due to their labyrinth-like organ, providing an air pump helps maintain high oxygen levels, especially in warmer water conditions. An air stone connected to an air pump will also create gentle water movement, which medaka ricefish enjoy.
Aquarium Lights
Medaka ricefish do well with moderate lighting. LED lights are the best choice as they provide sufficient light without generating excess heat. Proper lighting will also enhance the colors of your fish and support the growth of live plants, which are beneficial for the tank ecosystem.
Aquarium Substrates
The best aquarium substrate for a medaka ricefish tank is fine gravel or sand. These substrates mimic their natural habitat and are safe for the tropical fish to swim over. Avoid sharp or rough substrates, as they can injure the delicate fins of your medaka ricefish.
GH/KH Test Kist
Testing the water parameters is essential for keeping medaka ricefish healthy. Use a GH/KH test kit to monitor the general hardness (GH) and carbonate hardness (KH) of the water. Medaka ricefish thrive in slightly hard water with a GH of 6-12 and a KH of 3-8.
TDS Pens
A Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) pen helps you monitor the overall water quality. Medaka ricefish do best in water with a TDS level of 150-300 ppm. Keeping the TDS within this range ensures optimal mineral content for their health.
Aquarium Lid/Cover
Medaka ricefish are known jumpers. An aquarium lid or cover is essential to prevent them from leaping out of the tank. Make sure the lid has enough ventilation to allow for proper air exchange.
Step-to-step Guide to Set Up A Tank
Here’s a quick step-by-step guide for setting up your medaka ricefish tank:
- Rinse the Tank and Equipment: Start by rinsing the tank, filter, and substrate with water (no soap).
- Add the Substrate: Place the fine gravel or sand substrate at the bottom of the tank.
- Fill the Tank with Dechlorinated Water: Use a water conditioner to remove chlorine and chloramine from tap water.
- Install the Filter and Air Pump: Set up the filter and air pump, ensuring they are functioning properly.
- Add Plants and Decorations: Introduce live plants and decorations for a more natural habitat.
- Cycle the Tank: Allow the tank to cycle for at least 2-4 weeks before adding any fish. This process establishes beneficial bacteria.
- Introduce the Medaka Ricefish: Once the tank is cycled, gradually acclimate your ricefish to the water and release them into the tank.
Best Tank Mates to Keep with Japanese Medaka Ricefish
When choosing tank mates for your Japanese Medaka Ricefish, it’s important to select species that are peaceful and share similar water parameter requirements. Medaka ricefish are social, non-aggressive fish that do well with a variety of small, calm tank mates. Here’s a list of the best tank mates for medaka ricefish:
Cherry Shrimp and Amano Shrimp are excellent companions for medaka ricefish. These freshwater shrimp help clean the tank by eating algae and leftover food. They are peaceful and add diversity to the tank without causing stress to your medaka ricefish.Snails
- Nerite Snails are ideal for a medaka ricefish tank setup because they are great algae eaters and do not breed in freshwater. They help keep the tank clean without overcrowding.
- Mystery Snails are larger and more noticeable. These freshwater snails are peaceful and get along well with medaka ricefish, adding visual interest and helping maintain water quality.
Small Schooling Fish
- White Cloud Mountain Minnows are a perfect choice because they thrive in similar temperature ranges (cold to temperate water). These fish are active swimmers and peaceful, making them ideal companions for medaka ricefish.
- Harlequin Rasboras are another great option. They prefer the same water conditions and are small, schooling fish that won’t outcompete your medaka ricefish for food.
Peaceful Bottom Dwellers
- Corydoras Catfish (like Pygmy Corydoras) are gentle bottom dwellers that can coexist well with medaka ricefish. They help keep the substrate clean by scavenging for uneaten food.
- Kuhli Loaches are another suitable choice, but ensure your substrate is soft and smooth to prevent injury to their delicate bodies.
Avoid Aggressive Tank Mates
It’s best to avoid keeping Japanese Medaka Ricefish with aggressive species like Bettas, Angelfish, or large cichlids. These fish may bully the medaka ricefish, leading to stress and potential injury. Even some fast swimmers like Zebra danios may outcompete medaka ricefish for food, so choose tank mates wisely.
Pro Tip: Keep at least 6 medaka ricefish together, as they are social fish and feel more secure in groups.
Live Aquatic Plants for Japanese Medaka Ricefish
Floating Plants
- Red Root Floater and Salvinia Minima are great floating plants for medaka ricefish tanks. These aquatic plants provide shade and help diffuse light, making your fish feel secure. They also absorb excess nutrients, keeping the water clean.
- Water Lettuce has larger floating leaves and long roots, creating a natural shelter for medaka ricefish to swim around and hide.
Tip: Keep an eye on floating plants as they can quickly cover the surface, reducing oxygen exchange. Regular thinning is necessary.
Easy Low-Maintenance Plants
- Java Fern is an excellent choice for beginners. It’s hardy, low-maintenance, and doesn’t require special lighting. Medaka ricefish love swimming around its broad leaves.
- Anubias Nana is another versatile plant that can be attached to rocks or driftwood. It grows slowly and doesn’t need intense light, making it perfect for a medaka ricefish tank setup.
Fast-Growing Plants
- Hornwort is a fast-growing plant that helps control algae by consuming excess nutrients. It’s great for providing cover and hiding places for medaka ricefish, especially juveniles.
- Elodea (Anacharis) is another fast-growing plant that helps oxygenate the water and provides a lush, green background for your tank.
Substrate Plants
- Dwarf Hairgrass creates a grassy carpet effect, making the tank look natural and providing a soft substrate for medaka ricefish to swim over. It requires moderate lighting but adds a beautiful aesthetic to the tank.
- Cryptocoryne Species such as Cryptocoryne lutea, Cryptocoryne wendtii, and Cryptocoryne parva are slow-growing, hardy plants that can thrive in various water conditions. They offer excellent coverage and hiding spots for your fish.
Plants for Breeding Tanks
If you plan to breed medaka ricefish, consider adding plants like Java Moss. This plant provides a dense, soft area where medaka can deposit their eggs. It also offers a safe place for fry to hide once they hatch.
Pro Tip: Use a liquid fertilizer for your live plants if needed, but be careful not to overdose, as medaka ricefish are sensitive to high levels of certain chemicals.
Setting up a tank for Japanese Medaka Ricefish is a rewarding experience that offers the chance to observe these lively and colorful fish in action. With the right setup and proper care, your medaka ricefish will thrive and provide endless enjoyment. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned aquarist, following this guide will help ensure a healthy and happy environment for your fish. At Splashy Fish fish store, besides Japanese Medaka Ricefish for sale we also offer other freshwater fish for sale, freshwater shrimp for sale, live aquatic plants for sale, and other aquarium supplies. Visit our store to buy aquarium products online or at aquarium store in Virginia by following the map below.
What is the biggest size of Mekada Ricefish?
Japanese Medaka Ricefish typically grow to a maximum size of 1.5 to 2 inches.
What is the Japanese Medaka Ricefish lifespan?
With proper care, medaka ricefish can live for 3-5 years, although some may live longer in well-maintained tanks.
Can Japanese Medaka Ricefish live with Bettas?
While it is possible, it is not recommended. Bettas can be aggressive and may harass medaka ricefish, especially if they mistake the ricefish's small size for food. It’s safer to choose other peaceful tank mates.