Freshwater Shrimp, Top 5 Most Popular Freshwater Shrimp for Beginners, Pure Red Line Shrimp, Caridina Shrimp

Top 5 Most Popular Freshwater Shrimp for Aquarium Beginners

If you're new to the world of aquariums and looking to add some unique and captivating creatures to your tank, freshwater shrimp are an excellent choice. These tiny crustaceans not only add a splash of color to your aquarium, but they also serve important functions in maintaining its ecosystem. In this article, we will introduce you to the top 5 beginner-friendly freshwater shrimp species that are perfect for your aquarium. From vibrant Red Cherry Shrimp to the striking Crystal Red Shrimp, Yellow Goldenback Shrimp we will explore the different species, their care requirements, and their compatibility with other tank mates. These beginner-friendly species are relatively easy to care for, making them ideal for novices. By following some simple guidelines, you can ensure the health and well-being of your shrimp and create a captivating and thriving aquatic environment. So, let's dive in and discover the incredible world of freshwater shrimp for aquariums - a captivating addition to any aquarium enthusiast's collection.

Why Should I Need Freshwater Shrimp for Aquarium?

Adding freshwater shrimp to your aquarium offers numerous benefits beyond their stunning appearance. Here’s why they make an excellent choice for both novice and experienced aquarists:

  • Natural Algae Control: Aquarium shrimp are fantastic at controlling algae growth. They feed on various types of algae, keeping your tank clean and reducing the need for chemical treatments.
  • Low Maintenance: Most freshwater shrimp are hardy and adaptable, making them easy to care for. This makes them ideal for beginners who may still be learning about water chemistry and tank maintenance.
  • Interesting Behavior: Shrimp are fascinating to observe. They constantly forage, clean, and interact with their environment, making your tank more dynamic and engaging.
  • Eco-Friendly: As scavengers, shrimp eat leftover food, plant debris, and biofilm, helping to maintain the balance of the ecosystem in your aquarium.
  • Compatibility: Many freshwater shrimp species can coexist peacefully with a wide variety of small, non-aggressive fish, making them a great addition to community tanks.
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Image of freshwater shrimp in aquarium

Tips to Choose The Best Freshwater Shrimp

Tank Size

Shrimp may be small, but they need enough space to roam and forage. A 10-gallon tank is a good starting point for most beginner species. Larger tanks provide more stability in water parameters and offer room for a larger shrimp colony.

Water Parameters

Shrimp are sensitive to changes in water quality. Maintaining stable pH, temperature, and hardness is crucial. For most beginner shrimp, aim for a pH of 6.5-7.8 and a temperature range of 68-78°F (20-26°C). Always use a water conditioner to remove chlorine and chloramine from tap water before adding it to your tank.


Shrimp can be kept with small, peaceful freshwater fish like Tetras, Guppies, and Rasboras. Avoid aggressive fish like Cichlids or large predators that might see shrimp as a snack. Additionally, provide plenty of hiding spots, as shrimp can be shy, especially when molting.

Ease of Care

If you’re new to shrimp keeping, choose hardy species that can tolerate a wider range of water conditions. Cherry Shrimp and Amano Shrimp are excellent options for beginners due to their adaptability and low maintenance needs.

Breeding Potential

Many live aquarium shrimp like Neocaridina Shrimp reproduce easily in home aquariums. If you’re interested in breeding shrimp, opt for species like Cherry Shrimp, which can breed in a variety of water conditions. Be mindful that some species, like Crystal Red Shrimp, require specific parameters for successful breeding.

Top 5 Freshwater Shrimp for Beginner Aquarists

Now, let’s look at the top 5 freshwater shrimp species that are perfect for beginners. These shrimp are relatively easy to care for, visually appealing, and adaptable to a variety of tank conditions.

Amano Shrimp

Amano Shrimp are highly prized for their algae-eating abilities. They can tackle even the toughest algae types, such as hair algae and black beard algae, making them invaluable for planted tanks.

  • Size: Up to 2 inches
  • Ideal Tank Size: 10 gallons or larger
  • Water Parameters: pH 6.5-7.5; Temperature: 70-80°F (21-27°C)
  • Diet: Algae, biofilm, sinking pellets, blanched vegetables
  • Compatibility: Peaceful; great for community tanks
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Amano Shrimp Care Tip: Since Amano Shrimp are larger, they need more space and stable water conditions. They also benefit from a diet that includes a mix of algae and protein-based foods.

Blue Dream Shrimp

Blue Dream Shrimp are the stunning, vibrant blue variant of the popular Neocaridina species. Their intense color contrasts beautifully with green aquarium plants, making them a favorite among aquarists.

  • Size: Up to 1.5 inches
  • Ideal Tank Size: 10 gallons or larger
  • Water Parameters: pH 6.8-7.8; Temperature: 68-78°F (20-26°C)
  • Diet: Algae, biofilm, shrimp pellets, blanched vegetables
  • Compatibility: Peaceful; compatible with other small, non-aggressive fish
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Blue Dream Shrimp Care Tip: Provide plenty of live plants like Java Moss and Anubias. These aquatic plants help create hiding spots and offer surfaces for biofilm growth, which Blue Shrimp love to graze on.

Crystal Shrimp

Crystal Red Shrimp are known for their beautiful red and white stripes. They are slightly more challenging to care for than other beginner species, as they require more stable water parameters.

  • Size: Up to 1.5 inches
  • Ideal Tank Size: 10 gallons or larger
  • Water Parameters: pH 6.2-6.8; Temperature: 68-76°F (20-24°C)
  • Diet: Algae wafers, blanched vegetables, shrimp-specific pellets
  • Compatibility: Best kept with small, peaceful tank mates
  • Care Level: Moderate
  • Crystal Red Shrimp Care Tip: Use an aquarium substrate that helps maintain slightly acidic water conditions, such as an aquasoil substrate. This can help stabilize pH and support the health of your shrimp.

Cherry Shrimp

Cherry Shrimp or Red Cherry Shrimp are the quintessential beginner shrimp, known for their vibrant red color and ease of care. They are prolific breeders and thrive in a variety of tank setups.

  • Size: Up to 1.5 inches
  • Ideal Tank Size: 5 gallons or larger
  • Water Parameters: pH 6.5-8.0; Temperature: 65-85°F (18-29°C)
  • Diet: Algae, biofilm, shrimp pellets, blanched vegetables
  • Compatibility: Peaceful; ideal for community tanks with small fish
  • Care Level: Very easy
  • Cherry Shrimp Care Tip: Cherry Shrimp can adapt to a wide range of water conditions, but they thrive best in stable environments. Frequent water changes (10-20% weekly) help maintain water quality.

Rili Shrimp

Rili Shrimp are the unique variant of Neocaridina, characterized by their translucent bodies with patches of color. Their distinct appearance adds a new dimension to any aquarium.

  • Size: Up to 1.5 inches
  • Ideal Tank Size: 10 gallons or larger
  • Water Parameters: pH 6.5-7.8; Temperature: 70-78°F (21-26°C)
  • Diet: Algae, detritus, shrimp pellets
  • Compatibility: Peaceful and adaptable to a variety of tank setups
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Rili Shrimp Care Tip: Keep your tank well-planted with Java Fern and other live aquatic plants to provide cover and enhance biofilm growth.

Care and Maintenance Tips for Freshwater Shrimp

To keep your shrimp healthy and thriving, follow these care tips:

  • Regular Water Changes: Replace 10-20% of the tank water weekly to maintain optimal water quality.
  • Use a Sponge Filter: Sponge filters provide gentle filtration without risking the shrimp being sucked into the intake.
  • Feed Sparingly: Overfeeding can lead to poor water quality. Feed small amounts and remove uneaten food promptly.

Feeding Requirements for Freshwater Shrimp

Freshwater shrimp are omnivores and will feed on a mix of algae, biofilm, and specially formulated shrimp food such as products from Envy Shrimp and Kats Aquatics. Here are some feeding tips:

  • Algae Wafers: A good source of plant-based nutrition.
  • Blanched Vegetables: Spinach, zucchini, and cucumbers are favorites.
  • Protein: Offer occasional protein-rich treats like bloodworms or daphnia.
  • Feeding Frequency: Feed small amounts 2-3 times a week to prevent overfeeding and maintain water quality.
blue dream shrimp, blue shrimp, freshwater shrimp, neocaridina shrimp, Top 5 Most Popular Freshwater Shrimp for Aquarium, blue dream shrimp in aquarium
Image of Blue Dream Shrimp in planted tank

Water Parameters and Tank Setup for Freshwater Shrimp

Maintaining stable water parameters is essential for shrimp health:

  • Temperature: 68-78°F (20-26°C)
  • pH Level: 6.5-7.8, depending on the species
  • Hardness: Soft to moderately hard water (4-8 dGH)
  • Substrate: Use a fine-grain substrate like sand or soil to protect shrimp’s delicate bodies.
  • Tank Setup Tip: Consider using a shrimp-specific substrate that enhances water parameters favorable to shrimp health.

Breeding Freshwater Shrimp in Your Aquarium

Breeding shrimp can be an exciting aspect of shrimp keeping. Cherry Shrimp, in particular, breed easily in home aquariums. Here’s how to encourage breeding:

  • Stable Water Parameters: Maintain consistent pH, temperature, and hardness.
  • Separate Breeding Tank: If you want to maximize survival, set up a breeding tank to protect baby shrimp (shrimplets) from predators.
  • Provide Hiding Spots: Plants and mosses offer safe places for shrimplets to hide and feed on biofilm.


Freshwater shrimp are a fantastic addition to any aquarium, offering both beauty and functionality. Whether you choose Amano, Blue Dream, Crystal Red, Cherry, or Rili Shrimp, these beginner-friendly species will bring life to your tank. By following the care guidelines in this article, you can enjoy a thriving shrimp community that enhances the overall health and aesthetics of your aquarium. All of the mentioned shrimp above are available at our Splashy Fish tropical fish store. You can buy these freshwater shrimp for sale online or visit our aquarium store in Virginia for more other freshwater fish for sale, freshwater snails for sale, aquatic shrimp for sale, live aquatic plants for sale, and other aquarium supplies by following this map.


Can I keep these freshwater shrimp together?

Yes, many species like Cherry, Blue Dream, and Rili Shrimp can coexist since they have similar care needs. However, they may interbreed, leading to less vibrant offspring. If you want to keep distinct color lines, house them separately. Amano Shrimp can be kept with most shrimp without risk of hybridization.

Which freshwater shrimp is the best for beginners?

Cherry Shrimp are the easiest for beginners due to their hardiness and adaptability. They can thrive in a wide range of conditions and are prolific breeders. Blue Dream and Amano Shrimp are also beginner-friendly and easy to care for.

Are freshwater shrimp hard to keep?

No, freshwater shrimp are relatively easy to care for, especially beginner species like Cherry Shrimp. They need stable water conditions and regular maintenance. Keep up with water changes, use gentle filtration, and avoid toxins like copper, and your shrimp will thrive.