Chili Rasboras are gorgeous nano fish that would bring joy to any home aquarium.

a Chili Rasbora | splashy fish

Chili Rasbora (scientific name: Boraras brigittae), or commonly called as Mosquito Rasbora, is native to Borneo, Indonesia. The fish catches many aquarists’ hearts by its fabulous appearance of the bright red coloration extending nearly over the body with a dark black stripe running in the middle from head to tail. Some even have small dark spots at the base of the anal and tail fins. Males tend to display intense color pigments while females are generally duller and less vibrant. When grouping together, they perform a spectacular radiant show which brings life to your aquarium.

Although Rasbora fish are known for tolerance of a wide range of water conditions, they turn out not to be meant for fishkeeping beginners. These tiny adorable species need stable and clean water to survive, which is unfortunately only achieved by experienced aquarists. Originating from tropical regions, Chili Rasbora thrives in warm environments containing plenty of live aquatic plants and acidic water rich in tannins and leaf litter. Normally, they prefer dwelling in the parameters having: 

Ammonia and Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: less than 20 ppm
GH: 1-2 dGH
KH: 3-12 dKH 
pH: 4.0 – 7.0 though slightly acidic water is preferable 
Water change: 20% once a week to keep the water quality in clean condition

The ideal temperature should be between 75° and 82°F (23° - 27°C) and never below 75°F. In order to do so, a good heater is indispensable to your fish tank. It keeps the warmth steady and allows Rasboras to thrive in their favorite freshwater environment. Speaking of equipment, lack of a filtration system is a mistake. The device plays an important role in creating pristine water and maintaining it in good quality. However, when running the filter, make sure you adjust it to generate slow-moving currents as Chili Rasboras cannot handle the strong flows. 

Tips: When filling the aquarium with water, try not to use tap water because it likely contains the chemical substances that may cause harm to your fish. Instead, use the distilled water or reverse osmosis to dilute tap water to create the proper conditions.

If the water flows are still not monitored in the way you want, try to place some live aquatic plants to slow down the currents. Chili Rasbora appreciates densely planted tanks, especially those containing live plants. Indeed, live aquarium plants benefit your Chili Rasboras in many aspects. They create a lush green view which recalls Rasbora’s natural habitat. They provide perfect places for the fish to hang around and explore. Moreover, if you introduce floating plants to the tank, such species will be home for plankton and worms, which are just the right sized snack for small Chili Rasbora’s mouth. Not only that, the plant cover helps dim the light in the aquarium which is ideal conditions to boost the intense and vivid colors of Chili Rasboras. 

Tips: Dark substrates can also do the same thanks to the contrast effect. It further mimics the blackwater conditions found in Rasbora’s riverbeds, which is really enjoyed by the fish. 

Of all the popular aquatic plants, we highly recommend amazon swords, java fern, java moss, najas grass, [insert] as these freshwater species can flourish in the Chili Rasbora’s living conditions. [Nguyên advise thêm các loài cây thủy sinh khác nha.]

a Chili Rasbora female | splashy fish

Notes: Despite many pros the plants bring to your fish, it is worth noting that Rasbora needs spacious areas to swim. Particularly, in the event you aim to raise these super active species in a nano tank. Hence, you should be careful not to overwhelm your little Chili Rasboras by introducing too many plants.

Known as one of the smallest tropical fish, Chili Rasboras are the favorite of the nano aquarium hobbyists. Indeed, you do not need to buy a big tank just for keeping them. A group of 6 Chili Rasboras could live joyful and healthy in an aquarium of 5 gallons. Such ratio has been tested and proved its effectiveness by many experienced aquarists before. Unless you want to add more specimens, you then need to increase your fish tank’s capacity.

Notes: Chili Rasboras are the typical schooling species. Raising the fish alone does more harm than good. Rasboras will feel uncomfortable and insecure, which makes them spend most of the time hiding. If the situation lasts for a long time, the fish will be prone to diseases and eventually die. Hence, many aquarists keep Chili Rasbora in a group of six, the best ratio for nano aquariums. In case you have a big tank, you could increase the number to 20 more specimens. The larger the group is, the happier the fish are. 

If your final target is preparing not only a proper fish tank for Chili Rasboras but also an aesthetic home aquarium for yourself to enjoy, you could consider adding some branches, driftwood, and logs together with peat (moss or pellets), and almond-leaves. These natural elements help you create the blackwater conditions in the tank and break up the fast-moving currents as well. Besides, peat (moss or pellets), and almond-leaves could lower pH level, making the water softer - the ideal environment for Chili Rasboras to thrive.

a Chili Rasbora aquarium | splashy fish

One of the wonderful things about possessing a Chili Rasbora tank is that you will never bore to watch them. They are peaceful yet full of energy. You easily find them splashing around restlessly, mostly in the top and middle levels of water columns. Alone, the species is a little red dot in a spacious area but when crowded, they exhibit fascinating behaviors which please and entertain you. Dynamic as the fish are, Chili Rasboras are not commonly known for jumping out of water. Yet, it would be better to equip your tank with a tight-fitting lid in case they do.

Chili Rasboras are peaceful and can get along well if introduced into a community fish tank of species sharing similar size and temperaments. If you like having various ‘inhabitants’, you could opt for smaller invertebrates like dwarf shrimp or fish that are not large and boisterous. The potential candidates may include Amano shrimp, Cherry shrimp, Wood shrimp, Celestial pearl danios, Chocolate gourami, Cory cats, and Neons. Be careful of choosing Chili Rasbora’s tank mates or else, the fish will feel uncomfortable and easily get stressed.

a community fish tank having Chili Rasboras | splashy fish

Chili Rasboras may be a little picky in terms of care but when it comes to diet, they are not at all. Being an omnivore, Chili Rasbora’s nutrition yet inclines to carnivorous foods. They will accept high-quality flake food, pellets, and live, frozen, or freeze-dried Artemia, micro worms, Tubifex, and finely chopped bloodworms. Considering their size, it’d be better to chop or break the fish foods into small pieces so they are able to feed on. Interestingly, although the fish like dwelling in the top and middle levels all the time, they often have meals in the middle and bottom of the tank. Providing them with live foods is encouraged but varying their diet is not less important. You could occasionally give them frozen, or freeze-dried food to ensure Chili Rasbora gets sufficient nutrients. Feed them twice every day in the early mornings and once after sundown. This reflects their feeding habit in the wild.

Clean water conditions and diet are the main factors that allow Chili Rasboras to stay healthy and robust. Lucky to say, Chili Rasbora aren’t affected by any diseases that are exclusive to the species. The issues arise when you let the water and diet in poor conditions. At that time, your fish’s immune system won’t be able to resist the common freshwater diseases such as fungal infections, bacterial infections, and parasites like Ich. To cure the ill ones, in addition to medication and quarantine, you need to hygiene their living environments as well as improve the diet.

Breeding Chili Rasboras is as interesting as caring for them. The fish are easy to breed, and breed regularly if conditions are good. When they come near mating periods, the male’s coloration turns brighter and more intense which easily distinguishes them from the female. On the other hand, the female Chili Rasboras will look rounder and plump because they are carrying eggs. It is also worth noting that males then may get territorial and ready to fight oftenly.

The fun part of this process lies in the way the male courtes its targeted female. Male Chili Rasbora will show off and chase the female around the tank until he gets it. Not long after that, the female lays eggs which scatter on the tank’s bottom.

Chili Rasboras don’t have parental behaviors. Indeed, they are further known for cannibalizing their own eggs. Therefore, it is very important to create a dense cover to protect the fish frys. If you earnestly want the breeding to occur successfully, a separate breeding tank obviously is inevitable. 

Read to the end, we believe you were totally convinced by the fact that Chili Rasboras really worth an investment. Then, what are you waiting for? Come and visit our Splashy Fish Store to find your own beautiful Chili Rasboras. Here, we supply a wide range of Chili Rasboras which come from reliable sources. We further guarantee that all of our Chili Rasboras will go through the quarantine process for a period of 14-day before sale. We care about the quality and strive to provide you the best we can.